Crochet Dreads + 10 Best Crochet Locs Style

Are you wondering whether crochet dreads are for you? In this article, I will tell you all you need to know about this dreadlocks method. Mainly how it is done, the pros, the cons, and how to take good care of it. I will also feature 10 gorgeous crochet dreads style inspirations to help you take this hairstyle to the next level.

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What are Crochet Dreads?

Crochet dreads are one of the most recent methods developed to create locs. This method has been around for more or less a decade. As the name suggests, crochet dreads use a crochet hook to lock hair strands together. 

The crochet method is a well-known technique in creating and maintaining crochet dreadlocks. Knowing this method comes in very handy for people with locs. As this is a very effective way to retighten and smoothen the locs from time to time. 

Best Crochet Dreads Tools

Using the right tool will help achieve the look. Here are the different tools you can use to make crochet dreads.

Crochet Dreads Method vs. Interlocking Method

The crochet dreads method should not be confused with the interlocking method. Both of these use crochet hooks to lock hair together. They also both create instant, tight, and mature-looking locs. However, they have different processes. 

To create crochet locs, you will backcomb and gently twist each section of hair. Then, you will insert the hook in the middle and pull it halfway through, working your way down while the interlocking method attaches the crochet hook to the end of each sectioned hair. The ends are pulled through the space near the roots several times in different directions to create tight locs and prevent loose dreads.

Crochet Dreads Style Inspirations

Crochet locs come in a variety of lengths and thicknesses. They suit every gender, and they are very flexible to style. Below are some of the best crochet dreads style inspirations you can explore. 

Half-up and Half-down Crochet Dreads

Half-Up And Half-Down Crochet Dreads
Photo from IG/@toma.ju

The half-up and half-down is a classic dreadlocks hairstyle for all genders. This look allows you to showcase your facial features and flaunt your stunning locs simultaneously. It is clean, fresh, flexible, and appealing.

Long Crochet Dreads For Men

Long Crochet Dreads On Men

Letting your long dreads down is the best way to achieve beachy vibes. The key is how the dreads fall and frame your face. When they are down, they have a relaxed and carefree look that is perfect for summertime. In addition, letting your dreads down prevents them from getting tangled in the wind and sand. 

Crochet Dreads With A Boho Band

Womens Crochet Dreads With Boho Band

Fashion or function? Why choose when you can have both? Accessorize those long blonde crochet dreads with a boho band. This will secure your locs away from your face while adding character to the hairstyle.

High Top Colorful Crochet Dreads

High Top Colorful Crochet Dreads

Who says dreadlocks have to always be long? Go for a nice high-top dreads hairstyle. Let those short and thin locs stand diagonally forward. Make it even more playful by adding different colors. To complete the look, go for a dreads with fade side cut.

High Bun with Undercut Crochet Dreads

High Bun with Undercut Crochet Dreads

The high bun with undercut dreads hairstyle looks bold and unique because it combines two elements. The high bun is sleek and elegant, while the undercut dreads add a touch of edginess. This contrast creates an eye-catching look. And because it leaves the face unobstructed, it is an ideal style for those who want to show off their features or tattoos.

Crochet Dreads With Short Bangs

Crochet Dreads With Short Bangs
Photo from IG/@rasta.sista

Let the serenity of the sea be your inspiration with this blue-green crochet dreads hairstyle. Pair it with cute short bangs for the chicest modern dreads look. This dyed dreads is stylish and refreshing. Most of all, a sure standout!

Side Swept Crochet Dreads

Side Swept Crochet Dreads

Who says contrasting sides are bad? Yes, ladies, you can pull off that side-swept and shaved side crochet wick dreads. This looks provides an intriguing balance. A case where one side brings out the best of the other. To achieve this, part your dreads. Let the side with dreads flow naturally, then shave the other side.

Gradient Crochet Dreads

Gradient Crochet Dreads
Photo from IG/@yukkexstyle

No one is stopping you from experimenting with colors! Combine three different tones to create a seamless gradient. To do this, you must have dark roots, a light hue in the middle, and a bold color at the ends.

High Pony Crochet Dreads

High Pony Crochet Dreads

This high pony hairstyle is a definite stunner for ladies with very long dreads. The look is so divine; it exudes so much elegance and femininity. To do this, gather your locs at the top of the head and secure them with a scrunchy. You can also use some of your locs to hold the rest in place. This may be simple, but I can assure you that no one can resist staring at this glamorous hairstyle.

Crochet Dreads With Accessories

Crochet Dreads With Accessories

There is a variety of new dreadlocks accessories out there. There are silver, copper, and colorful options to choose from. A dreads with beads look will stand out.

Best Crochet Dreads Accessories

How to Create Crochet Dreads?

Crochet dreads require the use of a small crochet hook to install. It is important to pick the right dreadlocks crochet tool. The size of the hook depends on how thick you want your locs. But generally, using a 1 mm or smaller (0.75 mm, 0.6 mm, or 0.5 mm) crochet hook is best.

To start your crochet dreads, follow these steps:

  1. Wash your hair with the best shampoo for locs. It is better not to use a conditioner to make it easier to lock the hair strands. 
  2. Dry your hair thoroughly. Towel dry, air dry, and blow dry your hair to be sure. The crochet method won’t work on wet hair. 
  3. Divide your hair into sections. The size and pattern depend on hair type and preferred style. 
  4. Begin the process by backcombing each hair section.
  5. Gently twist the hair section that you are currently working on.
  6. Insert the crochet hook in the middle.
  7. Pull the hook halfway continuously until the hair locks in the middle.
  8. Continuously work your way down.

Watch the video below for a more detailed demonstration of the crochet dread method. 


  • Crochet dreads are suitable for all hair types
  • It creates instant dreadlocks
  • This method makes tight and consistent locs
  • It does not require hair care products during installation
  • Can be washed immediately after installation


  • There are few experienced locticians in the crochet method.
  • It takes time and practice to execute this method in the right way.
  • This method makes hair prone to damage, especially if done improperly.

Crochet Dreads Care Tips

When it comes to taking care of your crochet locs, follow the tips below:

  1. Use the right type and size of crochet hooks. Experiment with using 0.5 mm, 0.6 mm, or 0.75 mm hooks. Avoid using more than 1 mm crochet hooks to prevent creating spaces within the locs. 
  2. Practice on fake hair before doing the crochet method. This way, you can lessen the possibility of doing the process wrong and causing hair damage. 
  3. Avoid this method on bleached or damaged hair. These are more prone to further breakage. 
  4. Wash your hair with the best shampoo for locs regularly. It is vital to keep the dreads clean to grow healthy.
  5. Keep your crochet locs dry to avoid smelling and developing molds.
  6. Moisturize your locs often to keep them from drying and breaking.
  7. Cover your dreads with a satin cloth or bonnet before going to sleep.
  8. Avoid using tight bands to prevent breakage.
  9. Retighten your dreads regularly.

Best Crochet Dreads Shampoo

Crochet Dreads Bottomline

Crochet dreads can seem like a straightforward locs method, but it is not easy. It takes practice and experience to execute the crochet technique. If done incorrectly and haphazardly, it can lead to hair breakage and damage from too much pulling or gaps from too loose crocheting. It is best to practice this method on fake hair first or look for an expert loctician.

Rest assured that this type of dreadlocks hairstyle is worth it! You will get instant, tight, and mature-looking locs no matter your hair type. Be it straight, wavy, curly, or coily. It is also washable in no time. But the best part is crochet locs are very flexible to style. I hope the hairstyle inspirations I provided above inspired you to play and explore how to wear those gorgeous crochet dreads creatively. 

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